We did it! As of yesterday, no more monthy checks to Regions! All credits to this man. He knows a thing or two about saving. He also knows a thing or two about being a humble and hard worker. And for that, I am thankful.
Better late than never! First up, an action-packed trip to the Big Apple where we went to some pubs that Brent had scouted out, went to a Yankee's game, saw the Lion King and went to the Jewelry and Accessories Show for Lavish. Then we ended the month with a week-long stay in High Hampton where we played outside from sun-up until sun-down, ate way too much in the dining hall, then slept like babies at night! I am already looking forward to our 2011 High Hampton trip and I bet I can already give you a pretty exact itenerary for the week! And must not forget our North Carolina trip started with a weekend at the Cobb's house in Highland's and a birthday weekend in Atlanta. Whew...